A Toast to Better Health

Want to be healthy but need an extra push? BottomsUp is a smart pillow that will help you keep track of your sedentary life style by reminding you to do a light exercise when you've been sitting for too long.

Over 50 percent of American men and 60 percent of American women never engage in any vigorous physical activity lasting more than 10 minutes per week.

Exercise deficiency threatens both physical and mental wellness, shortening your lifespan.

Sitting down for consecutive hours can increase the risk of heart failure.

Research shows that sitting down for too long can be fatal for your health. Those who sit for long periods of time are twice as likely to have diabetes or heart disease.

"So, stand up!"

-the developers of BottomsUp

The mere act of standing up from a seated position is effective at counteracting the detrimental health effects of sitting. Standing up four times an hour can significantly increase your health. Most people will forget to do this once working, and BottomsUp is here to help.

Regular Alerts

Simply add your phone number and preferred reminder interval through the BottomsUp app. Your pillow will text you reminders to stay active.